Zurück Im Leben

A free single to download and enjoy! Zurück Im Leben is a dance remix of the title “Back to Life” off Aaron Moon’s album Re:Mastered.


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When God takes control over our lives we go through a process of refinement. With all of the adjustments and changes we go through in an eternally minded lifestyle, the end result is Re:Mastered.

The following is what Aaron Moon has to say about his latest release:

If you started counting from the time I first worked on the oldest song from the album, you could say this album has been in the works for around five years. This is one of the things that uniquely attributes to the album. Re:Mastered has been for a ride. Early on while I was working on a few songs, the album itself was hardly in sight. Re:Mastered definitely wasn't in sight at all, and you could also say that it was actually a different album. It even was under another title, though the overall theme has remained the same. And this is where the rubber meets the road for Re:Mastered.

"A good portion of my lyrics are not written as reflections of the past, but are current reflections from the time they were written"

The overall theme is about Change, but not necessarily just the big change of God electing me and making me a Christian. I was saved at an early age and that was a long time ago for me, the rest of my story I will save for when I do a testimony piece, though you will get a glimpse of that in the album because it is important. You see, the focus of Re:Mastered is on some of the smaller, more daily-like changes so to speak. I wanted the album to be deeply personal giving the listener a window into my life, but also I wanted it to be applicable to the lives of the listeners.

So the casual time frame I unintentionally used to complete the album has been to great benefit, and here’s why; Life has many experiences that take us up and down through many seasons. Though writing this album in a year may have been a fine timeline for taking a glimpse at my life and making assessments for lyrical content, these past five years have been enriched with growth and experiences. For instance I have been in and out of college and gotten married in that timeframe. I carried Re:Mastered with me through all these experiences. So just as I have been up and down through my life, even after becoming a Christian, this album has been there with me all the way though everything as well. A good portion of my lyrics are not written as reflections of the past, but are current reflections from the time they were written over the past five years. All of the songs have been brought up to date in quality and sound, even some of the songs that were written and recorded years ago have been re-mastered for the album which also attributes to its title.

So Re:Mastered is an accumulation of a lot of life experiences rearranged for cohesion topically and musically. I hope you can understand and relate to them, and also enjoy your journey through the album, thank You.

Wild Child

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Wild child is an abstract electronic track that talks about waking up from your deepest fantasies. It was written to be a standalone single, and all the proceeds from the track and/or corresponding merchandise goes to Harbor Light Christian Center in Traverse City, Michigan.

Fallwell EP

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Aaron Moon has joined with Fallwell in releasing a collaborative EP that is available for purchase now on CDBaby, iTunes, and Amazon.

Copyright © 2011 - 2025 Aaron Moon. All rights reserved.